Gabin Jabba means the “Honey Marshes” and is located 59km (37miles) from Mingora in Swat. At the elevation of 2582m (8471ft), Gabin Jabba can be reached at approx. 1 h 46 min of travel from Mingora city and in around 5 hrs at a distance of 389 km (241 miles) from Islamabad in Pakistan.
How to Get to Gabin Jabba from Mingora?
To get to Mingora in swat use the Swat Motorway, the to get to Gabin Jabba from Mingora city you have two route options:
Follow N-95 (Bahrain Rd) through Manglor and Khwazakhela to Bagh Dehri Rd (1 h 10 min / 39.1 km) then Take Bagh Deri Road to Lalkoo Rd (50 min / 21.2 km) to get to Gabin Jabba.
Alternatively, flow the route through Kanju across the swat river. Take Airport Rd to Bagh Deri Road (1 h 15 min / 41.3 km) then Continue on Bagh Deri Road. Drive to Lalkoo Rd (43 min 17.7 km) to reach Gabin Jabba.
Both routes have the same approximate distance yet traffic congestion on the primary route to Gabin Jabba is much higher than on the alternative route. Having said that, you may experience delays due to traffic congestion on both routes when you are visiting swat in the high tourist season.
Lalko Village the Gateway to Gabin Jabba
Travelling to Gabin Jabba until its gateway village Lalko is possible through public transport, private hire, or your personal transport. Lalko village is a point where the majority of public transport ends. Further travel from Lalko village to Gabin Jabba is approximately 3 km (1.8 miles) which you can travel by a suitable 4-wheel drive or you may choose to enjoy hiking.
The route from Lalko village to Gabin Jabba is a little bit of an adventure but is definitely safe for hiking whether or not you consider hiking with a local tourist guide. Other tourist destinations in the region of Gabin Jabba such as Daral Lake, Saidgai Lake (Saidgai Danda), Shago Sar, Saidgai Pass, etc. are relatively difficult to travel alone. The routes to these places are not straightforward and go through the up and downs of the great jungles and mountains of Swat and therefore you require to accompany a local tourist guide.
Gabeen Jabba Camping Pods
Gabin Jabba is a famous tourist destination in swat and is one of my favorite places to visit any time of the year. I had the opportunity to visit Gabin Jabba in both the winter and summer seasons and I can tell you that I have never seen such an amazing place in my life before. My very recent travel experience was in winter 2021, the snowfall made my trip more exciting than my previous trip in summer 2019.
Based on my experience if you are vising Gabin Jabba alone or with adults then, you can go and stay in the camping pods or you can bring your own tent if you wish. If you are visiting Gabin Jabba with children during the winter especially in the snowfall season, then probably a day trip (or multiple day trips) from the main swat city would be the best option for you unless you have sorted an appropriate accommodation there.